Friday, February 15, 2008

Crazy Ex?

I think my older brother's ex may be a wee bit stalkerish. Of course, this is probably a case of pot calling the kettle black given the amount of internet stalking that I do myself. But, whatever.

The reason I believe she a bit stalkerish is because she has looked at my MySpace page approximately 16 times, with 8 of them being after they broke up. The most recent one was 2 days ago. They broke up around Christmas. First, we aren't friends on MySpace because I wasn't a huge fan of her (that's probably a party foul, admitting it in such a public forum - oh well) and I don't think she was a big fan of me either. Second, many of you know that I haven't updated my MySpace page in ages. Third, I don't correspond with my brother on MySpace. We live together; if I have something to tell him, I say it in person. Basically, there's no reason for her to be looking at my MySpace page.

And it's not like she can pretend it's someone else - she's looking at my page from her place of employment. It's a pretty unique place of employment, so I can't imagine that someone else from there is looking at my page.

Oh, and for clarification, this is my brother's most recent ex - not KM, who I think is great.


Unknown said...

I actually have a way to deal with this situation because I went thru something like this with my husbands ex. Email me at if she is still stalking you;-)