Tuesday, July 17, 2007

I Need Some Motivation...

Weight loss and 1/2 marathon training efforts were abominal last week...as in nonexistent. Mostly due to working insane hours trying to get my appellate brief done; hopefully, this week will be better. I really need to get back on track. There has been no excuse for my laziness/eating. I wore a shirt yesterday that I had gotten for Vegas - it looked great then, it makes me look preggers now. Not a particularly good look for me at the moment. I need some:

M ake short-term goals
O ut with the negative thoughts
T hink of why you want it
I magine how you will feel
V isualize the future you
A cknowledge your successes
T reat yourself with respect
I nvestigate new ideas and foods
O bserve your healthy lifestyle
N ever give up and never give in

-Author unknown


Kara said...

You can DO it! Once you get back into the swing of things with the workouts, I really feel the rest will come - give me a call anytime if you need a pick me up :)