Thursday, October 05, 2006

Back in Business...

Hi Everybody! Sorry, I've been MIA for the past couple of weeks. It's been kind of crazy for me. First, I was in Syracuse for a week working my arse off repainting my little brother's room from gold (walls & ceiling) with black trim. It took 4 coats of paint! Two coats of paint killer and two coats of white paint. We also did a bunch of other stuff, like lawn work, taking out window screens, etc. Second, right when I got back, my uncle, aunt and their 2 small spawns came into town from Hawaii. I have felt honorbound to spend time with them, since I generally only see them once or twice a year. Since I have been busy the past couple of weeks, I didn't weigh in last week.

Not to mention, life has been pretty crappy lately. I got 2 more job rejections in the past 2 weeks. You would think after as many rejections as I have received, I would be used to it. I am unemployable....after 7 years of higher education and $91,000 in educational debt. Fantastic. Since I don't have a full-time job, I can't afford my apt. and I'm moving out at the end of the month. I'm very sad because I heart my apt. I'm moving in with my older brother, who lives almost in the middle of nowhere. Luckily, it's only almost the middle of nowhere, not totally the middle of nowhere. On the upside, I'm closer to my parents' house and free meals and laundry.

I have pretty much been eating my feeling the past couple of weeks. No holds barred. Candy, cupcakes, and chips have been a mainstay of my diet. Therefore, instead of getting my 50 lbs. star this week, I am up 2.8 lbs. and 6.4 lbs. from my star. I definitely need to revise my mini goals and maybe I'll add rewards too. I'll update my blog as soon as I figure them out.


Kara said...

Way to go to get back on track! I am back on with you....after a pint of ice cream, a cupcake, a cookie....all yesterday :) We can do this!!!

broccoflower said...

I know what it's like. I keep thinking "who's going to hire me when I need a month off to go back to Ohio for my wedding/showers/bach party, then a month off for the bar/honeymoon?"