Friday, April 27, 2007

Suckiest Week EVER (well, this year)

This has officially been the suckiest week of the year. First, I left my driver's side car window down Tues. night, which wouldn't normally be a problem, but it rained/stormed all night. My car was soaked when I ran out to the car (in the rain) to go to work (already 45 mins. late). It's been raining pretty much since then, so my car seat is still wet because I can't leave the windows down to let air in and the sun hasn't been out. Stupid Starfruit.

Second, all my 1/2 Marathon aspirations have been cruelly crushed a little over a week before the race. My left foot has been hurting since my training jog this past Sun. It got worse over the week, so I went to the doctor yesterday. Apparently, I have either a stress fracture or a sprained/ruptured ligature in my left foot. The doctor can't tell from x-ray, so I go in for an MRI on Tues. Either way, it doesn't look like I am going to be able to do my 1/2 Marathon next Sat. or even jog for a while. I'm really, really upset and disappointed. I might ignore the doctor and go anyway and try to walk the 1/2 Marathon. I know it's not realistic because the more I walk on my foot, the more painful it gets...but right now, the thought of attempting to do the 1/2 Marathon is the only thing that makes me feel any better. I want my t-shirt from the race; it will be the most expensive t-shirt I have.

The only good thing that has happened this week is that I lost 3.7 lbs. No clue how that happened. Maybe the pain in my foot prevented me from walking to the frig./cupboard to get food as often. Or it could have been the homework from my WW leader - no eating after 7pm for the week. I think that will be a rule I continue.


broccoflower said...

Oh man... I'm so sorry. *hugs* we'll get you good and hammered in Vegas.
Better yet, let's go to a hypnotist in Vegas, and have him plant a memory in your mind of not only running the half marathon, but winning it. Hell, sprinting it. Yup.