This has officially been the suckiest week of the year. First, I left my driver's side car window down Tues. night, which wouldn't normally be a problem, but it rained/stormed all night. My car was soaked when I ran out to the car (in the rain) to go to work (already 45 mins. late). It's been raining pretty much since then, so my car seat is still wet because I can't leave the windows down to let air in and the sun hasn't been out. Stupid Starfruit.
Second, all my 1/2 Marathon aspirations have been cruelly crushed a little over a week before the race. My left foot has been hurting since my training jog this past Sun. It got worse over the week, so I went to the doctor yesterday. Apparently, I have either a stress fracture or a sprained/ruptured ligature in my left foot. The doctor can't tell from x-ray, so I go in for an MRI on Tues. Either way, it doesn't look like I am going to be able to do my 1/2 Marathon next Sat. or even jog for a while. I'm really, really upset and disappointed. I might ignore the doctor and go anyway and try to walk the 1/2 Marathon. I know it's not realistic because the more I walk on my foot, the more painful it gets...but right now, the thought of attempting to do the 1/2 Marathon is the only thing that makes me feel any better. I want my t-shirt from the race; it will be the most expensive t-shirt I have.
The only good thing that has happened this week is that I lost 3.7 lbs. No clue how that happened. Maybe the pain in my foot prevented me from walking to the frig./cupboard to get food as often. Or it could have been the homework from my WW leader - no eating after 7pm for the week. I think that will be a rule I continue.
Friday, April 27, 2007
Suckiest Week EVER (well, this year)
Posted by Starfruit at 6:57 AM 1 comments
Monday, April 23, 2007
I'm Having Second Thoughts
About this whole 1/2 Marathon thing. First, I got my race booklet in the mail a couple of weeks ago and it has completely freaked me out. There are 26 starting corrals with approximately 1500 people per corral. That's like 35,000 people. Plus, there are these rules and an emergency weather flag system. It's kind of scary.
Second, I have really slacked in my training over the past three weeks and it shows. I barely made it through my 8 mile jog yesterday and I had to walk the last 2 miles or so of it. In my defense, it was pretty breezy and due to the direction of the wind and trail I was on, I jogging into the wind coming and going. But in reality, that is no defense. The 8 mile jog should have been a piece of cake yesterday and it wasn't. This distresses me. Not too mention the thought of having to do another 5.1 miles on top of that. I wouldn't have made it yesterday. I hope I can pull it together in the next 2 weeks.
On a good note, I did lose 1.5 lbs. last week. So that made me happy. Hopefully, I can keep it up this week.
Posted by Starfruit at 5:56 AM 4 comments
Friday, April 13, 2007
I gained 3 lbs. this week which doesn't surprise me since I started eating last Friday and haven't stopped. I did so well last week not eating crap, not going out to lunch everyday and sticking with my training schedule. This week...not so much.
Not too mention that I'm supposed to do my 13-14 mile training this weekend and it's supposed to rain and snow on Sat. and Sun. I don't want to run in the rain and snow. If it's raining and snowing in 3 weeks in Indy, I'm going to be pissed. Sorry, I'm being so whiny.
Anyway, I'm off like a prom dress.
Posted by Starfruit at 6:21 AM 1 comments
Sunday, April 08, 2007
HAPPY EASTER EGG! (as my little sister likes to say) I hope everyone has a wonderful day!
Posted by Starfruit at 10:42 AM 0 comments
Friday, April 06, 2007
Down 4.2
Yay! I'm down 4.2 lbs. this week. It's the 4.2 lbs. I gained over the previous 2 weeks from eating out for lunch at fast food restaurants pretty much everyday. It's a blessing, but also a curse, because I wasn't a 100% on program this week and I had a huge loss. With Easter this weekend, I have to be extra careful, so that I don't make so many splurges that it equals a gain. Ok, that's all. Except, welcome back, Kmbuckeye :-) !
Posted by Starfruit at 10:20 AM 2 comments
Wednesday, April 04, 2007
It's been a couple weeks since I've posted. I had no idea. Well, this is what's going on with me. I finally did my 11-12 mile training jog. Actually, that makes it sound longer than it was - I completed 11.02 miles. Not a short distance, but not exactly close to 12 miles either.
I learned a couple things too. First, I'm not part mountain goat. Second, you should do research before deciding to try out a new outdoor trail. Since it's been nice, I've been jogging outside. I decided to try out Highbanks Metro Park for my jog this past weekend. Silly me, I thought it would be relatively flat given that it's in the middle of Ohio. I was wrong; hence I discovered I'm not part mountain goat. I made it about 4 miles before deciding that I wasn't going to jog up/down hills for another 7 miles. So, I went back to my parents' house and jogged the final 7.02 miles there. I'll probably go back to Highbanks in the future to jog, but not when I have an extremely long distance to go.
This coming weekend I have a short training jog - 7 miles. I've been doing pretty well on my during-the-week jogs too. I'm averaging about a 12.50 min. mile which is down from 13.26 min. mile. And I'm also jogging over 4 miles during each jog. Last night I hit 4.46 miles in 60 mins. and that includes a 5 min. warm-up and 5 min. cooldown. I felt good after the jog too - not overly winded or tired. I probably could have jogged further had I needed too. So I'm happy.
Weight loss efforts are going enh... I'm doing better this week than I have in the past month, but I haven't been 100% on program. I'm working on it though. Hopefully, my efforts will show on the scale. If not, I will just focus on my non-scale victories with my 1/2 Marathon training. If I hadn't been training for the 1/2 Marathon, I would totally be a blimp after my eating habits of the past month. Just tatoo Goodyear on my bum.
Posted by Starfruit at 12:53 PM 2 comments