Wednesday, August 23, 2006


Here are my weight loss goals through the end of the year:

Sept. 28 - 50lb. Star
Nov. 2 - 60lb. Star
Jan. 4 - 70lb. Star

Basically, I want to lose about 30 lbs. by the end of year. I need to lose 6 lbs. to get my 50 lb. star. Hopefully, I'll work harder to achieve my goals by posting them for everyone to see. By the way, WW gives out stars for every 10 lbs. you lose, just like you used to get in kindergarten for being good or completing assignments, etc. It never fails to amaze me how hard I'm willing to work for one of those 10 lb. stars. Who knew the same reward system that worked at age 5 still works at age 26 :-).


Becardi said...

Totally doable! You can and will meet those goals. I am jealous of your stars -- since I only do WW online I don't get stars!

Starfruit said...

Yay! I heart Becky for being the first person to post a comment on my blog! You should buy yourself some stars and make a chart to hang on your refrigerator with your 10 lb. stars and dates you got them. It's great motivation.

broccoflower said...

Damn, she was your first.

Kara said...

Great goals! You've inspired me to post my goals again to hold myself accountable :)

I'm sure you will do it!