Friday, August 25, 2006


So weigh-in didn't go quite as planned yesterday. I was up 2 lbs. which I didn't expect and it definitely sucks. I didn't actually expect to have a loss this week because I inexplicably had a big loss last week (3.7 lbs.), but I did think I had maintained. I thought I had a pretty good week food-wise, but then I went over my journal for the past week and I realized I didn't do as well as I had thought. There wasn't anything big on any particular day that I did wrong, though the 4 homemade chocolate chip cookies (made by mom for my little bro's first day at a new high school) on Wed. probably didn't help. It was just a series of places here and there where I could've made better choices. I also could have gone to the gym a little more. My goal for the gym is to go 4-5 times per week. I have only been twice this week.

In any case, I'm bummed because now I'm 8 lbs. from my 50 lb. star, instead of 6 lbs. like I had thought. I'm going to have to change the "6 lbs. to go" post-it note I have stuck to my bathroom mirror to keep me motivated...doh. However, I'm not discouraged because I still have plenty of time to meet my goal by 9/28 and I know where I got off track, so I know what work on for this coming week.


broccoflower said...

Clearly it is all water weight or muscle. I am once again scale-less until I hang out with Becky.