Friday, December 15, 2006

Minus One

Amazingly, even after eating 2 pints of Ben & Jerry's (one ice cream, one sorbet) over the past week, I lost the pound I gained last week. That brings my total back to 5 lbs. for the "Bringing Sexy Back" challenge. I think there is one week left in the challenge, so I don't think I'm going to hit my 10 lb. goal. However, 5lbs. isn't too shabby during the holiday season.

Hopefully, I'll lose a couple of pounds during the upcoming week. I have to be really good this week because I took home the traveling journal from my WW class. Each week a different person takes the journal home and uses it. It's kind of fun to look back through the previous weeks to see what everybody else eats on a regular basis. Although, some people's handwriting isn't so legible. I volunteered this week to get back OP. Although I lost this week, I wasn't really following the WW plan; I was following the Starfruit plan....perhaps that is why it's taking me so long to lose weight. Imagine that :-/