Thursday, February 26, 2009

What I learned at WW

The women who man the scales at my meeting can't count even with a calculator. I've been a little disappointed with my weight loss since the beginning of the year. Not too mention it seemed a little off, but I couldn't figure out why. It seemed like my weight loss in '09 should be a littler larger. And then I took a look at my little booklet and realized that the WW ladies can't subtract.

Silly, silly me has just been adding up my losses as listed in my book and not really paying attention to my actual weight. I mean, they USE A CALCULATOR. But alas, one week they had listed my loss as 2.4 lbs. when in actuality, it was a 3.4 lb. loss. So adding my minute 0.4 lb. loss from this week to my corrected previous weight loss, I am down a total of 4.6 lbs. so far in 2009. Yay! Here's to another 75 lbs. so I can reach goal!

Also, I worked out 5 times this week. Yes, I'm patting myself on the back right now. Watch yourself, JT ;-).