Friday, February 15, 2008

Big Loser

Yay! I lost a total of 3.8 lbs. this week. I have no idea how that happened. Maybe the not drinking soda/pop (depending on where you're from) during the week and the not eating dessert after dinner is paying off! Whatever it is, I'll take it. Now I just hope it's not one of those weeks where I have a huge loss and then next week I stay the same or gain a little bit. I hate that. Not too mention, I admit, I had no shame last night at WW as I took off all the jewelry I don't normally wear for WI and my velvet blazer to ensure that I had a loss. In any case, I hope to keep up the good work and I'm excited that I no longer have a + in the "Weight Lost in '08" section of my blog.

I'm also very very very excited by the fact that I finally have internet at the office! It's only been three weeks since we moved in here. Do you know how hard it is to conduct business with no internet? It's practically impossible these days. I was going through withdrawal. I'm a compulsive e-mail checker. Although, I have become addicted to Mahjong Titans. It's my new favorite game.

Half marathon training is going enh. I didn't do all my days this week, but I hope to improve this coming week. I need to get on the ball, so I don't hurt myself again. That's it for now.