Wednesday, January 23, 2008

Stupid Foot

I hate my left foot - it's stupid. I want to cut it off and get a new one. The reason being that I sprained my foot again last night. (Some may recall that I sprained this same foot 2 weeks before the Indy Mini last year and I wasn't sure that I was going to be able to do the race.) The worst part is it happened on the treadmill. Who's sprains their foot on a treadmill? Ridiculous. I didn't stumble, I didn't trip, I didn't fall off, nothing. Apparently, my dainty feet aren't strong enough for my giant elephant body to jog. Curses... The sprain isn't as bad as last time. I'm doing everything the dr. told me to do last time - Rest, Ice, Compression, Elevate - and I'm hoping it will get better today, I mean, in the next couple of days. I'm going to the gym tonight to test it out, but I won't be jogging. Today is my cross-training and weight lifting day. I don't think that either of those activities will overly tax my foot, since I'm sitting all day at work. So we'll see.

In other news, I forgot to post last week because I've gotten out of the habit. I lost 0.1 lbs. at WW. Miniscule, but I'll take it. Hopefully, I'll have a bigger loss this week. I'm going to WI a day early (today) because I'm hanging out with my lil sis tomorrow evening while our parents go to lil bro's wrestling match. I'll try to remember to update tomorrow.

Other good things that have happened in the past week: (1) my dad got a new job (finally, I might add. I won't have to represent my mom in court for murder ;-) ); (2) I got a raise (every little bit helps); and (3) I'm moving office space this weekend (we'll finally give the appearance of being a proper law firm).

That's all, folks.


Kara said...

Congrats on the raise!!! :)

Sorry about the foot :( I hope it's feeling better!