Friday, May 11, 2007

Nothing New Really

Not a lot going on right now. Just counting down the days until I leave for Vegas (for the 30th birthday of someone who will remain nameless). Weight loss is going okay. I've lost 6.4 lbs. over the past 7 weeks. Too bad it's weight that I've gained and lost several times now. I really need to get on the ball and break out of this cycle.

I also need to get back into tomorrow. I've taken the week off since the 1/2 Marathon last weekend. I think I'm going to do another 1/2 Marathon in the fall. Specifically, the Columbus 1/2 Marathon on Oct. 21. So I need to keep up with my running, although I won't need to really start training for the race until the middle of July. If anyone wants to do the 1/2 Marathon with me, let me know! I'm also going to try to do 1 race per month for the foreseeable future. On May 19th, I'm doing Race for the Cure [5K] and potentially, on June 1st, I will be doing B's Race for the Kids (?) [5K] in Dayton.

Finally, I think hell has frozen over because I have purchased a pair of cropped/capri khakis from the Gap and I wear and like them. Some people may know or have noticed that I haven't worn shorts in public since high school (so, in at least 9 years) due to short, fat legs and that I have continually refused to wear capris since they have come back into style over the past few years. Mostly, it was because when they first came out, I never was able to find a pair that looked nice on me, and I didn't think such a pair existed. But apparently, they do. Now I need to address the problem of glow-in-the-dark white legs because they haven't seen the light of day in quite a few years.


broccoflower said...

That's great weight loss- it cancels out the 10 lbs I've gained over the last 7 weeks.

You probably look great in capris because of your height- I look horrible in them. I like gauchos, I hope they come back into style.