Monday, March 19, 2007

Dirty, Little Secret

My dirty, little secret is that I punked out on my 11-12 mile training jog this weekend. I didn't do it on Sat. because I had plans for St. Patty's Day. And I had every intention of doing it on Sun., but I didn't. I got up, put on my jogging gear, got all my stuff together and went over to my parents' house for breakfast and to throw in some laundry. Yea, I ended up staying there all day and falling asleep on the couch for 3 hours. Real nice.... I'm a lazy bum. It was a really good day to jog too. A little on the chilly side, but sunny, and not a whole lot of wind. Oh well. Better luck this week.


Kara said...

It's okay! You are still doing so well!!! Just do what you're scheduled to do (or close) this weekend, and you will be fine!! I'm supposed to run 13 miles this weekend, and I don't think that's happening :)