Well, I've had a small setback over the past couple weeks. I've gained 2.7 lbs. Boo... I was 10 lbs. down. Ten is such a nice round number and in the double digits. I like that. But then I had to get off track and overeat and gain some weight back. I should probably think about what triggered the binge over the past couple weeks. I suspect it's stress. The past couple of weeks have stressful for a number of reasons that I won't get into. I am a stress eater. I need to get over it. I want to lose major weight before July 31 and only about 12 weeks in which to do it. I also have 3 showers and 1 more birthday to get through this month. Including this past weekend, I have 1 event per weekend this month. Craziness. Must get back on track.
Okay, I totally didn't see that coming. I was watching The Biggest Loser and I was bummed because Sam got voted off. Not shocking. What was shocking was that he and Stephanie started a relationship while on the show and he moved to L.A. to be with her. I definitely didn't pick up on that during the show. Like I said, totally didn't see that coming. I'm completely jealous though :-)
Tuesday, May 04, 2010
Posted by Starfruit at 6:57 PM 1 comments
Tuesday, April 20, 2010
True silence is the rest of the mind; it is to the spirit what sleep is to the body, nourishment and refreshment. ~William Penn
That's my excuse for not posting anything substantive recently. I was nourishing and refreshing my spirit....NOT. I just haven't had anything to say. Weight loss is going alright. I survived the advent of the Girl Scout cookies. I can't really complain since I've lost 10 lbs. On the other hand, it could be going better. I could have lost more weight over the past 14 weeks. My average weekly loss is 0.6lbs. I wish it were closer to 1.5 lbs. per week. So that's my goal for the next 14 weeks before the wedding - 1.5 lbs. per week for a total of 21 lbs. That would mean a total of 31 lbs. lost by July 31 or 75% of my original goal of 40 lbs. lost. It's good to have goals.
However, one goal that I've had to shelf is conquering the half marathon. I have completely stopped training for the Capital City Half, which is in 2 weeks. I'm still having issues with my foot. It hurts when I get up in the morning; it hurts after I run; it hurts after I stand on it too long; it hurts after I wear heels. Stupid foot. I hate it. I guess it's time to find a new form of cardio exercise. I keep thinking about swimming, but I keep finding excuses for not going. I imagine my weight loss would be going better if I were doing some cardio in addition to weights.
On a completely different topic, I rented office space last month. I'm officially a real lawyer with a real office with real office furniture. Yay! It's exciting and terrifying all at the same time. Hopefully, I can continue to pay for the office and my bills. Fingers crossed.
Posted by Starfruit at 6:45 PM 0 comments
Wednesday, March 03, 2010
Oh, Girl Scout Cookies...
I love you so. Definitely, not WW friendly. I got my GS cookies this morning. It was all I could do not to rip into my box of Tagalongs before I even got out of the gym. (I bought my cookies from my trainer's daughter.) I managed to make it until lunch time before I broke open the Tagalongs. Then, I got into the Thin Mints this afternoon. I need to hide the other 2 boxes from myself. It's a good thing GS cookies only happen once a year.
Posted by Starfruit at 4:57 PM 0 comments
Saturday, February 13, 2010
Hello, 2010
It's been a very, very long time since I've done anything with this blog - about 8 months. And I can't guarantee that I'm going to return to blogging faithfully. I've done so in the past (pledged to blog) and haven't followed through, so I make no promises. If you look to the right, I have updated the information.
Yes, it's true. I have to wear and look good in that clover green dress on the right. Everyone keep their fingers crossed! To that end, I've gotten back on the WW wagon after an unsuccessful 8 months away in 2009. But shhhh...don't tell my mother. She hates WW with the passion of a thousand fiery suns. There's no reasoning with her. I'm doing WW online to keep it hush hush.
As you can see, so far, so good. I'm down 4.4 lbs. in the 3 weeks since I started. I've got my goal in mind. Ideally, I would like to be down a total of 50 lbs. by 7/31/10 (the wedding). That would mean a loss of 46 lbs. from today and an average of 2 lbs./week. Unlikely. Right now, my average is 1.5 lbs./week. If I can sustain that average loss, it would mean I'd be down a total of 40 lbs. by the wedding. So that's going to be my goal - 40 lbs. down by the end of July. Go me.
I'm training for another 1/2 marathon - the Capital City Half on 5/1/10. It's not going well. I haven't run in a week. Things aren't hopeless by any means, but I really need to get on track this week if I want to have any hope of finishing better than my last half. I did the Columbus Half Marathon this past fall. It was ugly and that's putting it nicely. Mentally, I just wasn't in the game. My legs decided they were only running 10 miles and they didn't want to run any of the last 3.1 miles. That meant I finished only 1 second faster than my very first half when I had the gimpy, sprained left foot. Very embarassing. I'm determined to conquer the half marathon. Any by conquer, I mean run/walk the entire 13.1 miles and finish in under 3 hours. Not wimp out at 8 miles or 10 miles like I have in the past 2 halfs I've done.
Though my half didn't turn out as I'd hoped, I was proud of myself last year with my running. From April to November, I did a race per month. I did 5Ks, 4 milers and a 10 miler. I think this year I'm going to start racing in March with the St. Patty's 4 Miler on 3/13/10. It keeps me motivated.
Ok, I've blathered on enough for now. I'll try to be back soon.
Posted by Starfruit at 9:18 PM 0 comments