Tuesday, May 26, 2009

FFC Week 3

Here are the official Week 3 results for the FFC. I have totally fallen behind in the standings...curses!

Things have been kind of hectic lately, which is the reason for the lack of posts beyond the FFC results. My baby brother graduates from high school this coming Saturday (I can't believe it!) and we had his graduation party yesterday. So things were crazy the past couple weeks between trying to get everything ready for the party, my mom's birthday, and mother's day. I promise more in-depth posts soon!

I completed my second race of the year this past Sunday - the Habitat for Humanity Home Run 5K. I think I'm cursed when it comes to races taking place in Dublin. It was unseasonably and ridiculously hot and humid during the race just like it was for the Dublin Irish 4 Miler last year. I still did ok, though my time was about a minute slower than my time from the Fisher 5K a month ago.

Not too mention, I only got lapped by 2 people (the course was 2, 1.5 mile loops) - the top 2 male finishers. I managed to get my fat arse across halfway mark/finish line about 30 seconds before the top female finisher crossed the line. I guess I'll take comfort in the fact that I wasn't the last "runner" to cross the finish line. There were still a couple stragglers after me and the walkers. Hopefully, I'll have better luck in my next 5K in June.

Monday, May 18, 2009

FFC Week 2

Here are the results for Week 2 of the Fabulously Fit Challenge. Kumquat is leading the charge! You may also notice some changes from last week. Jackfruit is no longer - she didn't like her name, so she is now Jujube. We also have a challenge newcomer. Welcome Java Apple!

Monday, May 11, 2009

Fabulously Fit Challenge (FFC) Week 1 Results

Here is my fantastic, fun and colorful chart of the Week 1 results from the FFC. May the best tropical fruit win!

Tuesday, May 05, 2009


This post is going to contain a slight mishmash of topics since I haven't posted in a month. First up, a review of BLC. As I suspected, I don't really like the website. I don't know if I'm just not using it properly or to its fullest capabilities, but I don't find it particularly useful. I would get just as much benefit from keeping track of my food log and exercise log in a notebook, I think. I will probably be cancelling my subscription at the end of the 3 months. I like the BL program, just not the website.

The fitness challenge has been restarted - yay! It has been dubbed (by me) the Fabulously Fit Challenge (because I like alliteration and I like to be fabulous) and Week 1 started on Sun. 5/3 with the usual suspects taking part. It's the same rules as before: (1) must exercise at least 20 mins. for it to count; (2) can only count 1 exercise session per day; (3) the losers split the cost of a cookbook of the winner's choice. It's still up in the air as to whether it will be a 13 week challenge ending Aug. 3 or a 19 week challenge ending Sept. 5. So far, I have one vote for each option.

I'm off to a rocky start in the challenge because I've had a hellish cold. But I'm starting to feel better, so I may be able to salvage this week. Maybe I'll keep track of the weekly results on this blog if there are no objections from the participants. That could be fun if I can create a colorful chart or something showing the results. Hmmm...something to think about.

In other fitness news, I completed my first race of the year. I did the Fisher 5K a little over two weeks ago. I suprised myself and did pretty well considering I hadn't jogged the two weeks prior to the race because of my nagging big toe injury. I averaged a 13:41 min./mile, which I know does not seem particularly speedy, but is about 30 seconds faster per mile than my average times to date. Go me!

I have also figured out most of my race schedule for summer/fall. I'm trying to do 1 race a month, at least for the next couple months. Here's what I have planned:

5/24/09 - Home Run 5K for Habitat for Humanity, Dublin
6/14/09 - Race 4 Ellie 5K, Powell
7/30/09 - Dublin Irish 4-Miler, Dublin
8/8/09 - Beerathlon 5K, Bethel Rd. (NEW)
10/18/09 - Nationwide Better Health 1/2 Marathon, Columbus

I don't think I'm going to do any races in September and will just focus on training for the 1/2 in Oct. I didn't see any that I was interested in and that fit into my training schedule. We'll see how it goes. Let me know if you would like to join me in doing any of these races. Misery loves company. I mean, it's always more fun to have a buddy.