Monday, July 23, 2007

Getting There...

I'm slowly getting back on track. I feel like everything has been spiraling out of control lately, but hopefully that has stopped. I jogged for the first time in a while on Saturday. I just picked up with my training schedule. It felt good. It was a 4 mile jog and while I was slow, I didn't have any problems completing it, which made me very, very happy. Also, just the fact that I was out doing something made me feel better. I've been feeling very gross and disgusting lately.

I'm also tackling getting back on track with WW. Some days are better than others. I just can't seem to get everything together at once. I'll start out really well in the beginning of the day, but by the end, it's all over. I need to get back to cooking for myself and not eating dinner at my parents' house so much. Or if I do eat over there, making healthy substitutions - like brown rice, instead of my mother's very tasty baked rice that I know for a fact has an entire stick of butter in it. I maintained last week, which was shocking. I hope that doesn't translate into a gain this week. We'll see.

P.S. - I read the entire new Harry Potter book on Sat. (although I didn't let myself go pick up my reserved copy until I completed my training jog - how's that for motivation?). It was fantastic. I won't comment on the content, in case people haven't read and/or finished it yet. But everyone needs to read it if they've kept up with the series. Or read the entire series. You're seriously missing out if you don't.

Tuesday, July 17, 2007

I Need Some Motivation...

Weight loss and 1/2 marathon training efforts were abominal last in nonexistent. Mostly due to working insane hours trying to get my appellate brief done; hopefully, this week will be better. I really need to get back on track. There has been no excuse for my laziness/eating. I wore a shirt yesterday that I had gotten for Vegas - it looked great then, it makes me look preggers now. Not a particularly good look for me at the moment. I need some:

M ake short-term goals
O ut with the negative thoughts
T hink of why you want it
I magine how you will feel
V isualize the future you
A cknowledge your successes
T reat yourself with respect
I nvestigate new ideas and foods
O bserve your healthy lifestyle
N ever give up and never give in

-Author unknown

Wednesday, July 11, 2007

Back to Law School...

I am officially in appellate brief hell. I feel like I'm back in App. Ad. I hated App. Ad. Not to mention, true to form, the brief is due tomorrow at 5pm - no more extensions allowed - and I'm only about half way done. I work best under pressure. Some of my best work has occurred between 1am - 4am. Hopefully, the client, and more importantly, the appellate court thinks so. On the upside, I will get to argue the case in court most likely. On second thought, I don't know if that is an upside or not. Again, hellish flashbacks to App. Ad.

Friday, July 06, 2007

Back on the Wagon

It's officially time for me to get back on the wagon - for WW and 1/2 Marathon training. I have gained a heartstopping 9 lbs. since the Indy Mini Marathon in the beginning of May. That is completely unacceptable and I feel gross. Not too mention I haven't really worked out since the 1/2 Marathon, so since the beginning of May. Again, this is unacceptable.

Today is my first day completely back on WW. So far, so good. Hopefully, I'll make it through dinner tonight because my brother's girlfriend is making Dirt Cake. I absolutely adore Dirt Cake, plus it's TOM so anything chocolate I want to eat. It will be a struggle.

This week is also my first week of 1/2 marathon training for my next race. I'm doing the Columbus 1/2 Marathon on Oct. 21, 2007, with Kmbuckeye. Actually, not really "with" ~ she will leave me in the dust. But I will definitely see her at the finish line :-).

Goals for the Next Couple of Months:
1. Lose the weight I have gained by being lazy and off program, so lose 9lbs.
2. Complete ALL the training days on my schedule. I didn't really do all the training I was supposed to do for my first 1/2 marathon, i.e. the cross-training.
3. Keep myself accountable on my blog again. I've gotten away from doing this, but no more.

Sunday, July 01, 2007

YAY for new computer!

Well, I purchased a new computer today. Technically, my dad purchased it and put it on my tab which is growing larger by the second. I owe him at least a semester of college for my little brother. But I have 2 years before my brother goes to college, so I have a little time.

Back to the computer. I'm very excited about it. I got another Toshiba laptop because I loved my old laptop and it lasted me almost 6 years with no problems that I didn't cause myself (i.e. flipping it off a tray table and breaking the power pin). So far, so good. I'm not too sure how I feel about the Vista OS and Office 2007. They are both very different from previous versions, so we'll. My new computer also has a fingerprint reader for security and a built in webcam (neither of which I will probably use, but they're cool). Alright, back to playing with the computer.